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Olin M. Ivey Ph.D.
Associate for Stewardship and Outreach,
Pilgrim Congregational Church
P. O. Box 5155
Chattanooga TN 37406
423. 645.5045

As Executive Director of the Georgia Environmental Organization, Ivey initiated the discussion of sustainability
in Georgia in 1993 and held a series of conferences and consultations on sustainability throughout the remainder
of the decade of the Œ90s. He served on task forces and working groups of the President's Council on Sustainable
Development, was on the executive committee of two other national sustainability groups, and edited Georgians
on Sustainability that included reflections of sustainability by a number of leaders throughout Georgia.

Olin has lived and worked in Tennessee since 1999. He presently serves as the Associate for Stewardship and
Outreach at Pilgrim Congregational Church in Chattanooga. In 2004 he developed and coordinated two conferences:
the statewide Threshold: Sustaining a Land Called Tennessee and JustWater, an environmental justice
conference for the Alabama-Tennessee Association of the United Church of Christ.

His undergraduate degree was received from East Tennessee State University. He holds two Master's degrees
from Drew University in Madison, New Jersey. His M.A. and Ph.D. are from Claremont Graduate
University in Claremont, California.